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Booking Policy

The Piercing Urge maintains a strict cancellation and no-show policy. Booking your appointment signifies that time is reserved exclusively for you, preventing other clients from booking that slot. Consequently, all cancellations or no-shows within 12 hours of the appointment will incur a cancellation fee.

To ensure your appointment proceeds smoothly and to avoid cancellation charges, please carefully review the following additional reasons we would need to decline service on the day of your appointment:

  • Arriving more than 10 minutes late.
  • Deciding against getting pierced during your appointment.
  • Failing to provide correct identification or meet the age requirement. More information about this can be found here.
  • Being under the influence of substances.
  • Being pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Use of isotretinoin (Accutane) within the past 6 months.
  • Use of numbing cream or other numbing agents at the piercing site.
  • Not having eaten within a few hours before your appointment.
  • Exhibiting rude or inappropriate behaviour towards staff or in the studio.
  • Booking a piercing service we do not offer. If the desired service is not listed, please contact us before booking.
  • Bringing a child under the age of 6 without another adult to supervise them. Children, toddlers, and babies are not allowed in the piercing rooms or left unattended in the waiting area during your appointment.

Certain conditions may impact your ability to be safely pierced. If any of the following apply to you, contact us prior to booking so we can evaluate your situation in relation to your piercing request. Failure to do so could result in cancellation charges if any of the following impact your ability to get pierced on the day:

  • Removal of a piercing/jewellery from the same area within the past 2 months.
  • Surgery at or near the piercing site, including cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, etc. within the past 12 months.
  • Reconstructive and restorative surgeries at or near the piercing site, such as earlobe repair, within the past 12 months.
  • Recent filler, Botox, or other cosmetic procedures in the piercing area.
  • Use of hormone replacement therapy in conjunction with nipple and genital piercings.

Card information is collected at the time of your booking and this card will only be charged in the case of a cancellation or no show in line with this policy. The cancellation fee is determined based on the duration of the booked time slot as follows: $25 for 15-30 minutes, $50 for 30-60 minutes, $75 for 60-90 minutes, and $100 for 90-120 minutes.

By booking an appointment, you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy, please ensure you have read and understood them before proceeding.